Sunday, June 27, 2010

Facebook Obsession

Maybe you guy's should just ask to be my friend on Facebook. I seem to be OBSESSED with it and can't seem to blog because of it! Hopefully soon the obsession will fade and I can have my life back. Until then if you want more of me than I can produce here let me know and I will tell you how to find me! I am trying, really half trying to get into blog mode again!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I remembered!

I remembered my pass word and log in information tonight, yippee for me!

Where have I been? I have been on a tropical island in the south seas with the lead singer from Theory of a Deadman's Tyler Connelly! We had a awesome time but my husband missed my awesome cooking so I came home!

I might start slow, as not to get burnt out again but I feel my creative juices starting to flow!

Tonight I made the Pioneer Womans macaroni and cheese and totally screwed it to pieces! The recipe called for 2 heaping TEAspoons of dry mustard. Instead, I used 2 heaping TABLEspoons of dry mustard! Yuck, and my family spared no remorse on my inability to cook!!!!!

The hubby and children are all doing great, still prepping it out here in REDNECKVILLE!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh, good gosh!

I was finally going to write something tonight BUT it took me 45 minutes to remember how to log in and change passwords! Now I must go to bed! I will see you guy's shortly!